


The Health Science Institute

Welcome to a thriving research community in health sciences. Our scientists create knowledge and attack important scientific questions in all fields of health and biomedical sciences every day. They work across six faculties and in numerous research groups and institutions. They also communicate their specialized knowledge to around 3000 students in both undergraduate and graduate studies.


The Health Science Institute is the center for research at the University of Iceland School of Health Sciences. All scientists, faculties and research units of the School of Health Sciences belong to the Health Research Institute.

The purpose of the Health Science Institute is to increase research quality and synergistic effects by facilitating research cooperation, develop joint infrastructure and research support.

The Health Science Institute provides scientists various research support, for example, information on possible grants, help with grant applications, management of research projects, statistical support, consulting on the use of self-report measures in research and a new facility for clinical research. The Institute also manages in collaboration with Landspitali University Hospital a Clinical Research Center and a Health Sciences Library.

The institute also hosts a large conference on research in biomedical and health sciences every other year and an innovation conference.


Staff of the Health Science Institute

Picture of Auður Anna Aradóttir Pind Auður Anna Aradóttir Pind Project Manager aradottir [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/b4a055da-27e9-4de5-b9e2-1d7e4c38e240 Health Science Institute
Picture of Ása Vala Þórisdóttir Ása Vala Þórisdóttir Research Manager 5254835 asavala [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/5e178518-9da5-4c24-b049-53782be9b650 Health Science Institute
Picture of Bergrós Guðmundsdóttir Bergrós Guðmundsdóttir Project Manager 5254895 bergros [at] hi.is Health Science Institute
Picture of Finnur Freyr Eiríksson Finnur Freyr Eiríksson Project Manager 8954760 finnure [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/9def154b-42c1-4de4-a35e-f4c1475030f5 Health Science Institute
Picture of Margrét Guðnadóttir Margrét Guðnadóttir Director 5254824 margretgudna [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/fc9fcfa4-dd37-4bd3-9847-c8c8d7f9b1f4 Health Science Institute
Picture of Sigurbjörg Björnsdóttir Sigurbjörg Björnsdóttir Project Manager sigur [at] hi.is Health Science Institute