Institute of Odontology
Institute of Odontology
The Institute of Odontology is a research, education and service organization in odontology science and related disciplines within the Faculty of Odontology.
The institute is devoted to progress in several fields of odontology through research, continuing education and specialized services. It organizes open meetings and seminars about research projects in the faculty and dental research in general.
Continuing education is provided for practising dentists in the form of lectures and courses, with some of these funded through contract with private companies.
The Institute of Odontology serves as a consultant to the surgeon general and other official health authorities and recently an agreement was made with the Landspitali University Hospital to provide consultation and specialized dental service for their patients.

About us
- Stefán Pálmason, Adjunct Lecturer, Chair
- Vilhelm Grétar Ólafsson, Assistant Professor
- Sævar Pétursson, Assistant Professor
Læknagarður, Vatnsmýrarvegur 16
101 Reykjavík
Tel: + 354 525 4850