
MedPlant is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) exploring the evolution and sustainable use of medicinal plant diversity for unmet medical needs. Through a network of 13 PhD and 2 postdoctoral projects, our research develops new interdisciplinary approaches and technologies for selection and sustainable use of biodiversity resources for drug lead discovery from plants.

MedPlant consists of leading European research groups, private companies, and public and non-public organisations with complimentary knowledge in this area. The aim is to inspire appreciation of the Worlds biodiversity and the need to protect and study it, and we hope that ultimately it will increase the number of new drugs brought to the market.

Our principal investigators: Elín Soffía Ólafsdóttir, Professor of Natural Products Chemistry and Sesselja Sigurborg Ólafsdóttir, Professor of Pharmaceutical and Natural Products.